April 28, 2020
Dear patients and family members,
We are happy to announce that we will be reopening our doors to begin seeing patients on Monday, May 11th. We are so excited to be able to see our patients again, ahead of the originally anticipated date of June 15th! We would like everyone to know that the health and safety of our patients, team members, and community is of utmost importance to us.
We are in the process of establishing new protocols in addition to the standard precautions that we already routinely adhere to in our practice. We are following the guidelines that the American Dental Association has developed on the proper protective equipment recommended in order to practice during this pandemic and minimize the risk of virus transmission.
As always, we follow OSHA guidelines for infection control. In addition to our already stringent disinfecting and sterilization procedures, we are enacting the following protocols as we continue our efforts to keep everyone safe.
1) On the day of your appointment, please complete our wellness form that will be sent to you by text message. If your phone does not accept text messages, we will have paper copies available for you in the office.
2) If you or a family member are not feeling well, have had a fever in the last 48 hours, have shortness of breath, a cough or have traveled outside the U.S. in the last 14 days we ask that you reschedule your appointment.
3) Upon your arrival, please text or call us (541-779-3003) to let us know you have arrived. We will notify you when to enter our building. Our waiting room will remain closed for now.
4) Please do not use the check in computer. Our check in computer will remain closed for now.
5) To comply with our state’s social distancing guidelines, we ask that only patients in active treatment enter the office. If you are a new patient, we request that only one parent accompany the minor.
6) Upon building entry, you will be escorted to our welcome table by our greeter (one of our team members). We will provide you with a bandana mask if you are not already wearing a mask. We will have you sanitize your hands and take your temperature prior to taking you to our clinic chairs. Patients who come into the office showing signs of illness will be asked to reschedule their appointment.
We will begin rescheduling all appointments next week on May 4th. Upon reopening, we hope you can understand that there will be changes to our previous schedule. We will be limiting and staggering appointments. Our goal is to decrease the total number of people in our office at one time to encourage social distancing. Again, your safety is our top priority. Thank you so much for your patience during this time. We look forward to giving you an “socially distanced” high-five soon!
Keyan Botsford and your team at Botsford Family Orthodontics
Dr. Botsford is offering virtual check ups at this time.
We will be posting updates regularly on our social media pages as well as email. Please follow us on Instagram (@Bennettfamilyortho) and Facebook (Botsford Family Orthodontics). We will also be emailing you updates. Please contact our office if you need to update your email address that we have on file.
We genuinely care about each of you and the success of your treatment. Please rest assured that we are doing all that we can to keep you comfortable and your treatment moving forward. Our entire team is here for you. We look forward to seeing all of you as soon as we are able! In the meantime- please be safe and enjoy the beautiful weather, quality time with your family and screen time with your friends. We will all get through this!
Keyan Botsford and your team at Botsford Family Orthodontics
Virtual Check ups!!!
Even though we are temporarily closed, we are here for you! And there is nothing that I would love more than to look at your teeth and make sure you are doing OK.
We are answering our phones and reaching out to patients between 10am and 2pm, Monday through Thursday. Please call or text us at (541) 779-3003 with your questions or if you would like to schedule a virtual check up.
I will also be checking all scheduled patients’ charts daily and will be reaching out to you if there is clarification I can provide for you for your appliances, braces or aligners.
Zoom or FaceTime, it’s up to you! Simply call us so we can reserve a time just for you. We miss you, we are here for you and we can’t wait to see you back in our office!